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Faima was born in the fiery kingdom of Volcanisiva. From there she was raised by the Apoyos, a fierce and strict martial arts group that highly specialise in fire-based attacks and defences. Here she learned to fight in a way that was not taught internationally. After a few years time, a war broke out between Volcanisiva and Gobliniasiva. The Goblinians wanted to obtain the fire resources from Volcanisiva, but the Volcanisivans won't allow it. The Goblinians then managed to wipe out the Volcanisivans, including the Apoyos. Faima is the last of her kind. She then fled from her homeland and sought revenge on the Goblinians for the destruction of her people.

Born in New York, Hugo Bigaton was raised by the Bigatons, who were one of the wealthiest families at that time. They used to run the clothing brand BIG BOSS, which aimed to sell high quality clothing. After they passed away, Hugo took over the family business. He became bankrupt and after a few months his business shut down. This is where Hugo decided to sabotage a nuclear plant for revenge. From there he got caught in an accident. His skin turned yellow and his body increased in size. Hugo's strength also increased, which was caused mostly from the purple energy deep within him. Now, he will be known as the new Big Boss.

Garblin was raised by a goblin and an elf in the rather unruly province of Gobliniasiva. He is known for his high interest in old fashion, which is how he came up with the style of his trademark clothing. He can also be at times a bit cocky. During the war between the Goblinians and the Volcanisivans, he lost his left hand. This wasn't caused by him fighting, but when he carelessly stuck his hand out in front of a lava fall. Garblin was treated badly by his fellow Goblinians for this, in which case they kicked him out of Gobliniasiva. From there he started his journey in finding another place else in where he would be more appreciated and accepted.

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