Digital Skills
Digital Art / Design, Photography, Editing, & Animation: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, Camtasia, Autodesk 3Ds Max, Stop-motion Studio, Unreal Engine 4, & Minecraft
Internet & Social Media Platforms: Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Vimeo, LinkedIn, Sketchfab, Wix, OneDrive, & Google Sites
Communication: Skype & What'sApp
Word-Processing & Publishing Software: Microsoft Office Software (Word, Powerpoint, Publisher, & Excel)
Basic Coding: Python & Notepad++
Leadership Skills
Collaborating well with other people.
Delegating responsibility.
Motivating other people to do their best.
Promoting high standard of work.
Providing quality feedback on another person’s work.
Thinking creatively.
Capable to work under pressure.
Well organised.
Excellent time keeping.
Positive attitude to work.
Good communication & presentation skills.